maandag 23 november 2009

Engelse vertaling... :-)

Jantje zag eens pruimen hangen...

Johnny once saw hanging prumes
Oh ... as chicken eggs so groot
It seemed that Johnny would go plucking
While his father 't him forboad.

"But as I will be very clever
Then my father sees it not
On this tree so full of prumkes
He will not have it in the mot".

So he clautered in the prumetree
Stack his pocket full of fruit
But he mistrapped on a tackske
And fell down, flack on his snoot.

All the prumes were spice now
And the spice ran out his brook
It dripped softly in his couses
Johnny did not darf to look.

And again he was not lucky
Cause his father came there oan
And he gave him such a ramling
He could fourteen days not goan.

That is how end the silly story
Of little Johnny, the proimenthief
Even with a lot of goesting
He did it never more upnief.

Bron: anoniem.

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